The Path of Honor:
Leadership Protocol at CKA
This is the code of conduct expected for all CKA Team Leaders and Instructors.
Visiting CKA Leadership:
All CKA Leadership should contact the Club Instructor/Team leader to schedule a visit. A surprise visit by a Team Leader or Instructor is not allowed.
An Instructor with the title of State or Headquarters will notify the Club Instructor/Team leader if possible prior to visit. The State Instructor or higher is not required to notify the local Club of their intention to visit.
CKA Team Leaders:
A visiting Team Leader will line up after the CKA Club Black Belts in normal rank order. The local Team Leader/Instructor should give a quick introduction. The Team Leader/Instructor in charge of the local dojo can offer to have the visiting Team Leader assist in 1-2 drills.
The local Club’s Team Leader/Instructor is the final authority for all issues. If the Team Leader is visiting an instructor led CKA dojo, they will participate as a normal student.
CKA Instructors:
Visiting a Team Leader Club – An instructor visiting a Team Leader club needs to be given respect and a quick introduction made prior to the start of class. The visiting instructor will not line up with the students. They will line up to the left side of the Team Leader. A visiting instructor can participate in class or observe as desired. It is appropriate for the Team Leader to offer the visiting instructor time to give a seminar. The local club Team Leader is the final authority for class, unless instructor is given authority for a seminar, then the instructor is the authority for that time. There needs to be good communication between Team Leader and Instructor. There needs to be mutual consent for the visiting instructor to teach 1 or more class sections. Final authority is to the local Team Leader for content to be taught.
Visiting an Instructor Dojo – An instructor visiting a CKA dojo should plan to line up normal belt rank order. The local Instructor can request them to line up in the front to the left side. The local Instructor needs to show respect for the visiting instructor and give a quick introduction. It is appropriate for the local Instructor to offer the visiting instructor time to give a seminar. The local instructor is the final authority for class, unless the visiting instructor is given authority for seminar, then the visiting instructor is the authority for that time. There needs to be good communication between the Instructors. There needs to be mutual consent for the visiting instructor to teach 1 or more class sections. Final authority is to the local Instructor for content to be taught.
CKA State or Headquarters Leadership:
An instructor of the State or Headquarters level is free to rearrange or cancel class, observe or conduct a surprise test, or anything else they have planned. Authority of class goes to the State or Headquarters Instructor.
Visiting Non-Association Black Belts and/or Instructors:
When a non-association black belt or instructor attends class as a 1 time visit, they will line up at lowest position of black belts in class, before any colored belts. It is appropriate to do a quick introduction prior to starting class. They will participate as a student; they are given no authority.
If the visiting non-association black belt or instructor decides to become a student; they will need to test through all ranks as a normal student. Expect them to move through the material faster than your average student, since they have prior experience. Upon becoming a student, they will wear the normal student uniform and start at white belt. Rank does not transfer. No authority.
Visiting student with rank outside of CKA:
A karate student outside of CKA will line up in the back of class. Their rank from outside CKA does not correspond with our ranking system. They will need to participate in class as a normal student.
If the visiting student becomes a student in the CKA Club, they will need to test through all ranks. Upon becoming a student, they will wear the normal student uniform and start at white belt. Rank does not transfer.
Camp Protocol
To be able to schedule and run a karate camp you will need to be trained by HQ.
When attending a karate camp you may be asked to be on the leadership. If you are part of the leadership, you have authority along with the other camp leaders over events at camp. If you are not invited to be part of the leadership, you will be participating as a normal student. If a safety issue arises and you have the highest rank, please deal with the situation to the best of your ability and then inform the camp director.
Tournament Protocol
To be able to schedule and run a karate tournament you will need to be trained by HQ.
When attending a karate tournament, you may be asked to be on the leadership, as a judge or referee. If you are part of the leadership, you have authority along with the other tournament leaders over events that occur at the tournament. If you are not invited to be part of the leadership, you will be participating as a normal student. If a safety issue arises and you have the highest rank, please deal with the situation to the best of your ability and then inform the tournament director.
Testing Protocol
An Instructor/Team Leader is required to be 2 ranks above the students they are testing.
A Sr. Instructor and 3rd Dan can test up to 1st Dan and award Sensei titles. A 4th Dan can test up to 2nd Dan.
Sr. Instructor and 3rd Dan ranks and higher are only tested by Headquarters.
Intra-School Relations
Events - Events can be scheduled exclusively within your own Club/School. Other events such as tournaments, training seminars, Gasshukus etc. can be more effective with additional students and dojos involved. Invite all local area CKA Clubs/Dojos. Be considerate of other CKA dojos by checking dates for major events with other local CKA Clubs or Dojos for scheduling conflicts. Work together for planning and organization.
Quality/Safety Issues - If an issue is brought to your attention that involves an issue, student, Team Leader or Instructor from another CKA Club, first contact them to discuss the situation 1 on 1. If approaching them individually is not successful in resolving the situation you will need to notify the state or area head instructor. (Matthew 18:15-17)