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:Upholding Integrity
CKA's Leadership Code of Ethics and Professionalism

As a Christian Karate Instructor and a minister of Jesus Christ, called by God to proclaim the gospel and gifted by the Spirit, I dedicate myself to conduct my ministry according to the ethical guidelines and principles set forth in this code of ethics, in order that my ministry be acceptable to God, my service be beneficial to the Christian community, and my life be a witness to the world.

Responsibilities to Self

  • I will maintain my physical and emotional health through regular exercise, good eating habits, and the proper care of my body.

  • I will nurture my devotional life through a regular time of prayer, reading of the Scriptures, and meditation.

  • I will continue to grow intellectually through personal study, comprehensive reading, and attending growth conferences.

  • I will manage my time well by properly balancing personal obligations, church duties, and family responsibilities, and by observing times of rest through a weekly day off and vacations.

  • I will be honest and responsible in my finances by paying all debts on time, giving generously to worthwhile causes, and living a Christian lifestyle.

  • I will be truthful in my speech, never plagiarizing another’s work, exaggerating the facts, misusing personal experiences, or communicating gossip.

  • I will seek to be Christlike in attitude and action toward all persons regardless of race, social class, religious beliefs, or position of influence within the church and community.

Responsibilities to Family

  • I will be fair to every member of my family, giving them the time, love, and consideration they need.

  • I will understand the unique role of my spouse, recognizing his or her primary responsibility as my marital partner and parent to our children as well as a fellow worker for Christ.

  • I will regard my children as a gift from God and seek to meet their individual needs without imposing undue expectations upon them.

Responsibilities to the Believers

  • I will seek to be a servant-minister by following the example of Christ in faith, love, wisdom, courage, and integrity.

  • I will faithfully discharge my time and energies through proper work habits and reasonable schedules.

  • In my administrative and instructor duties, I will be impartial and fair to all students.

  • In my teaching responsibilities, I will give adequate time to prayer and preparation, so that my presentation will be biblically based and clearly communicated.

  • In my evangelistic responsibilities, I will seek to lead persons to salvation and to church membership in a bible based church without manipulating converts.

  • In my counseling/teaching practices, I will never be alone with a person of the opposite sex unless another karate/church member is present nearby.

  • I will faithfully attend and become actively involved in a bible based church.

Responsibilities to Colleagues

  • I will endeavor to relate to other instructors, especially those with whom I work with in my organization, as partners in the work of God, respecting their ministry and cooperating with them.

  • I will refuse to treat other instructors as competition in order to gain more students, receive an honor, or achieve statistical success.

  • I will refrain from speaking disparagingly about the person or work of any other instructor.

  • I will treat with respect and courtesy any instructor who visits my school.

  • I will be honest and kind in my recommendations to inquiries from students and fellow instructors.

  • If aware of serious misconduct by another instructor, I will contact leadership at Headquarters and inform them of the incident.

Responsibility to the Community

  • I will accept reasonable responsibilities for community service, recognizing this is a public ministry.

  • I will support public morality in the community through responsible witness and social action.

  • I will obey the laws of my government unless they require my disobedience to the law of God.

  • I will practice Christian citizenship without engaging in political activities that are unethical, un-biblical, or unwise.

Responsibilities to my Organization

  • I will love, support and cooperate with the CKA community of which I am a part, recognizing it’s contribution to my ministry.

  • I will work with my organization in its efforts to expand and extend the kingdom of God.

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